©2009-2016 Becky Higgins

Friday, September 9, 2011

FGS Conference Day 2 and Part of 3

This is going to be short and sweet; well, maybe just short. I'm writing this at the Cyber Cafe at the back of the exhibit hall in the Prairie Conference Center. The interent connection here is very slooow - no pics this time but there will be more later! My computer is back at the hotel and I'm tooo tired to walk across the street to get it.

Yesterday was so full and enjoyable I didn't have time to post an update last night.

The hightlight of our day was the ISGS luncheon. The speaker, Dr Mike Lockett, told some wonderful, unusual stories about the Civil War while dressed as a Union Soldier. Then, during the ISGS luncheon I had the previledge to announce the recipients of this year's ISGS award recipients. It was a grand time and I'll post more about it later.

For the rest of the day, it was monitoring or attending sessions and wondering around the exhibit hall. I had the opportunity to talk with lots of vendors, local society leaders, and happy attendees. I also got the down-low on the Flip-Pal scanner and I broke down and bought one today!! I can't wait to try it out.

Today has been spent working at registration, monitoring sessions, spending more time in the exhibit hall, and having great fun meeting and greeting so many fellow genealogists.

Tonight is the big gala for the 35th anniversary of FGS. I'll post an update on that as soon as I can.

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