©2009-2016 Becky Higgins

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It Is Finished!

At last but ahead of schedule, my project on the Ruch family is finished!

I just completed the digital presentation and, except for actually burning the CDs, the project is done!!

This is the menu page for the presentation - prepared with Passage Express software:

Now, I'm going to take a bit of a break - not from genealogy or blogging - from anything with a deadline:) I'll be able to go the the Illinois State Genealogical Society Conference this weekend without feeling any guilt. Yay!!

I already have my next project in mine but I'll wait to share that news. If I tell you know, I'll probably start on it and then when would my break start?


  1. What a great accomplishment - congratulations!

  2. Congratulations! You should be proud of such a huge accomplishment!

  3. You should be able to slurp this in to a book at Blurb or Lulu very easily. It would make a great Christmas gift for your family.
